Portfolio consumption data
Portfolio consumption data relates to common area consumption data (except for Planet Koper which includes consumption data for those tenants that are not separately billed and charged).
Improving our energy efficiency
We have initiated several measures across the portfolio, in support of our ambition to further improve our energy efficiency and to reduce our carbon footprint.
- Actively sourcing clean energy.
- BREEAM In-Use independent assessment of each of the assets to identify areas for improvement and efficiency.
- Investment in solar PV
- Asset-specific initiatives to identify expansion of solar PV areas to reduce consumption and improve efficiencies.
- To date, solar PV plants with a combined capacity of 1,100kWp have been installed at Torrecárdenas and Planet Koper. These resulted in a production of 1 060 160kWh of green energy on-site and 186 metric tons of carbon dioxide emission savings.
- Building management systems include smart technology which provides accurate, real-time information/data about consumption patterns.
- LED lighting is installed in all common areas, and tenants are now required to use LED lighting.
- Light-saving initiatives such as replacing regular lights with LED and installing remote-controlled lighting to reduce electricity utilisation.
- Replacement of the cooling fans with more energy-efficient systems.
- Total electricity consumption in the common areas: 16 664 407kWh (2022: 18 117 643kWh).
- Total volume of electricity self-generated: 1 060 160kWh.
- Total GHG emissions: 2023: 1 402 413 (2022: 1 959 360):
As part of its environmental sustainability strategy, Lighthouse will work towards improving the consumption for each property through the introduction of a green lease programme and mutual cooperation with tenants in terms of Scope 3 emissions.
Appropriate asset-specific targets, with baseline consumption from which to measure progress, will be set this year.
Reducing our water consumption
We have undertaken numerous steps to improve our water usage efficiency.
- Installation of smart meters to measure water consumption accurately and detect leaks.
- Installation of tab sensors to reduce water consumption.
- Introduce grey water reusage.
- Controlled water pressure to limit consumption.
- Planting indigenous plants that require less water.
- Total consumption: 128 593m3 (2022: 143 325m3).
Appropriate asset-specific targets, with baseline consumption from which to measure progress, will be set this year.
Waste management
Our ambition is to further improve waste management by reducing waste generation, improving the proportion of waste by disposal route and continuing with waste recycling initiatives to limit air, water and soil pollution and the associated negative impact on the environment.
- Separate our waste into recyclable and non-recyclable waste.
- Promote recycling by introducing recycling points in the malls.
- Promote a paperless business environment.
- 3 524 tonnes of waste generated in 2023 (2022: 3 572) with 50% in 2023 (2022: 43%) of all waste recycled and c. 9% (2022: 10%) of waste diverted to energy creation.
Independent Certifications
BREEAM is an environmental sustainability assessment method for existing buildings. It evaluates the asset performance and the building management in several categories, such as energy and water use, waste management, transportation and materials, among others.
In 2022, we initiated the BREEAM certification process for all our assets to assess the environmental performance of the buildings, identify areas for improvement, reduce the environmental impact and improve their overall sustainability performance. The BREEAM certification process has been completed for Forum Coimbra and Planet Koper and we are awaiting the final results.
A summary of the BREEAM In-Use results of each property:
Environmental initiatives at our malls
As part of our sustainability strategy, we have long-term engagement plans in place to help reduce the environmental impact at our malls.
- Torrecárdenas
- H2O
- Salera
- Espai Gironès
- Forum Coimbra
- Alegro Montijo
- Docks Vauban
- Docks 76
- Saint Sever
- Rivetoile
Green electricity sourced from renewable sources.
We have completed the BREEAM In-Use certification process.
We have started a project for recirculation of condensation water from the air heaters. The water spent in the air-conditioning system will be recovered. The expected result is 50% less water consumption in the property.
We have installed LED lightning and implemented remote control for the lights.
We are exploring the possibility of expanding the current solar PV installation with additional capacity to further increase self-generation of renewable energy.
We produced 122 658kW from our solar PV installation with savings of an estimated 10,7 metric tons carbon dioxide.
- Green electricity sourced from renewable sources.
- All tenants are required to use LED lights only in an effort to conserve energy. LED lighting is currently being installed in all common areas as part of our energy- saving programme.
- A solar PV installation is currently under consideration.
- The centre offers eight electric vehicle (“EV”) charging stations (in a joint investment with an industry leader) demonstrating our commitment to sustainable mobility. Estimated generation capacity: c. 550kWh.
- We completed the BREEAM In-Use certification process and are awaiting the results.
- We continued to invest in energy-saving measures by replacing the cooling fans with a more efficient and environmentally friendly system.
- We conducted an environmental mitigation study to identify the flood risks of the building and implemented mitigation measures.
- We installed flow reducers on basin taps in all bathrooms to further improve our water management.
We concluded our air and water quality monitoring audit.
We installed presence sensors in our waste rooms.
We introduced recycling points in the mall to encourage customers and tenants to dispose of all recyclable materials.
We renewed our BREEAM In-Use certification for asset and management performance.
- We continued to support the restaurants to reduce food waste through our “Too Good to Go” initiative.
- We invested in a new energy-efficient boiler room burner at Docks 76.
- We introduced a recycling space for specialist recycling (coffee capsules and cups).
- We introduced recycling cans for biowaste generated at our restaurants.
- We renewed our BREEAM In-Use certification for asset and property management performance.
- We switched to LED lighting in all common areas.
- We introduced LED lighting in the parking area.
- We continued to support the restaurants to reduce food waste through our “Too Good to Go” initiative.
- We invested in new energy-efficient air-handling units at Saint Sever.
- We introduced a recycling space for specialist recycling (coffee capsules and cups).
- We introduced recycling cans for biowaste generated at our restaurants.
- We renewed our BREEAM In-Use certification for asset and property management performance.
- We switched to LED lighting in all common areas.
- We introduced LED lighting in the parking area.
We maintain a recycling collection point for customers to recycle items like light bulbs and batteries.
We introduced a voltage regulator to spread electricity voltage flow to reduce the adverse impact and deterioration on our equipment.
We renewed our BREEAM In-Use certification for asset and management performance.
We supported biodiversity through the introduction of indigenous and water-wise rooftop gardens.
We introduced LED lightning at the emergency exits.